Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summary of Statistics Features

SQL Server 2005 has a number of features for maintaining statistics. The most important one is the ability to automatically create and update statistics. This feature is on by default in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000. Approximately 98% of SQL Server 2000 installations leave this feature enabled, which is a best practice. For the majority of databases and applications, developers and administrators can rely on the automatic creation and update of statistics to provide comprehensive and accurate statistics about their data. This allows the SQL Server 2005 query optimizer to produce good query plans consistently, while keeping development and administration costs low. If you need more control over statistics creation and update to get good query plans and manage the overhead of gathering statistics, you can use manual statistics creation and update capabilities.
An important new feature for high-throughput online transaction processing application environments is the ability to asynchronously update statistics automatically. This can improve predictability of query response time in such environments.
SQL Server 2005 statistics features allow you to:
  • implicitly create and update statistics with the default sampling rate (in the SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE commands, use of a column in a query condition such as a WHERE or JOIN clause causes statistics to be created or updated if necessary when automatic statistics creation and update is enabled)
  • manually create and update statistics with any desired sampling rate, and drop statistics (CREATE STATISTICS, UPDATE STATISTICS, DROP STATISTICS, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX)
  • manually create statistics in bulk for all columns of all tables in a database (sp_createstats)
  • manually update all existing statistics in the database (sp_updatestats)
  • list statistics objects that exist for a table or database (sp_helpstats, catalog views sys.stats, sys.stats_columns)
  • display descriptive information about statisticsobjects (DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS)
  • enable and disable automatic creation and update of statistics database-wide or for a specific table or statistics object (ALTER DATABASE options AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS, sp_autostats, and the NORECOMPUTE option on CREATE STATISTICS and UPDATE STATISTICS)
  • enable and disable asynchronous automatic update ofstatistics (ALTER DATABASE option AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC)
In addition, SQL Server Management Studio allows you to graphically browse and control statistics objects within its Object Explorer view. Statistics are listed in Object Explorer in a folder underneath each table object.

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